Black Travel Movement

The black travel movement has been growing in recent years with many black Americans traveling to faraway destinations like Jamaica and Peru. These travelers often share a traveling spirit that comes from their history, which includes being sold as slaves and then going on to become free men. Though these men and women are calling slave hunters, there is no doubt that they have made contributions to world cultures. One of the places these men have made a lasting impact is the travel industry.


The travel industry is traditionally been dominated by white males, but in the last couple of decades, many black Americans have succeeded in creating successful businesses that cater to the traveling public. Last year saw a flurry of media attention of the growing black travel movement because of groups like Nomadness Travel Tribe and the black online travel website, TravelNoir. This rise in interest came as a result of black Americans gaining employment in executive positions with major companies like American Airlines, Carnival cruise lines, and others.


In response to this positive trend, a group of black American men and women are starting to take their businesses into their own hands and form the Business for Black Travel Advisors (BBMTA). This organization will allow black travelers more access to the world's best hotels and destinations. With the help of black travel advisory services, travelers can expect luxury and personalized service. This kind of personal service has not been seen in the travel industry since the establishment of the first black-owned hotel chain, Holiday Inn Express. Today, there are more than 45 black owned hotels, motels, and other establishments around the country. Many of them have gone onto become major successes because they took the chance to hire black professionals with the skills and experience to run their business into the ground.


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